List of all TaskSrv-Jobs
General Time Series Jobs
Import various formats into Sydro Binary format.
- Job Identifier: IMPORT
- Runmode: 0 (=LoopInput)
Appends a Sydro Binary format time series with another Sydro Binary format time series.
- Job Identifier: SAVE
- Runmode: 0 (=LoopInput)
Check Min/Max
Checks a Sydro Binary format time series on min/max values, corrects them if thresholds are exceeded and provides substitute values.
- Job Identifier: CHK_MINMAX
- Runmode: 0 (=LoopInput)
Check Gradients
Checks a Sydro Binary format time series on gradients, corrects them if thresholds are exceeded and provides substitute values.
- Job Identifier: CHK_GRADIENT
- Runmode: 0 (=LoopInput)
Exports Sydro Binary format time series to another ASCII-based format.
- Job Identifier: EXPORT
- Runmode: 0 (=LoopInput)
Prepares Sydro Binary format time series by bringing them to a specified constant time step.
- Job Identifier: PREPARE
- Runmode: 0 (=LoopInput)
Mean, Sum, Integration
Performs calculations on time series according to the job specified.
- Job Identifier: CALCULATE
- Runmode: 0 (=LoopInput)
Filters peaks and low flow points
Filter peaks and low flow points from a Sydro Binary format time series and writes them to a new Sydro Binary format time series.
- Job Identifier: FLT_PEAKLOW
- Runmode: 0 (=LoopInput)
Filters according to thresholds
Filter values from a Sydro Binary format time series if they exceed given thresholds and writes the result to a new Sydro Binary format time series.
- Job Identifier: FLT_THRESHOLD
- Runmode: 0 (=LoopInput)
Search in time series
Searches specified patterns in Sydro Binary format time series and writes the results to new Sydro Binary format time series.
- Job Identifier: SEARCH
- Runmode: 0 (=LoopInput)
Applies a transformation of a SYDRO binary format time series by means of a function given in X-Y points.
- Job Identifier: TRANSFORMATION
- Runmode: 0 (=LoopInput)
Writing Info on SYDRO Binary time series
Extract basic information from a SYDRO Binary format time series and writes *.bininfo files. Additional metadata (Name, description, created, owner, etc.) are required.
- Job Identifier: BINHEADER
- Runmode: 0 (=LoopInput)
Frequency Analysis
Perform frequency analysis on Sydro Binary format time series.
- Job Identifier: EXTREMSAT
- Runmode: 0 (=LoopInput)
Finds series for low flow analysis from Sydro Binary format time series.
- Job Identifier: SERIE
- Runmode: 0 (=LoopInput)
Precipitation frequency analysis
Calculates sums of precipitation for a set of rainfall duration and return periods for a given precipitation time series (in SYDRO Binary format).
- Job Identifier: NMATRICS
- Runmode: 0 (=LoopInput)
Plotting position
Perform a plotting position analysis on Sydro Binary format time series.
- Job Identifier: PLOTPOS
- Runmode: 0 (=LoopInput)
Basis statistics
Perform basic statistical analysis like mean, std-dev. Skewness, etc. on Sydro Binary format time series.
- Job Identifier: MOMENT
- Runmode: 0 (=LoopInput)
Performs a regression analysis based on two equidistant Sydro Binary format time series with the same temporal extent.
- Job Identifier: REGRESSION
- Runmode: 0 (=LoopInput)
Duration curve
Brings a Sydro Binary format time series into a duration curve.
- Job Identifier: DURATION
- Runmode: 0 (=LoopInput)
Matrix statistical analysis
Calculates number and return period of events in a time series identified by thresholds and duration period when thresholds are exceeded. Used in water quality analysis (Leitfaden!)
- Job Identifier: CLASSMATRIX
- Runmode: 0 (=LoopInput)
Max Values from SMS result files Extracts max values from SMS result files.
- Job Identifier: SMS_MAX
- Runmode: 0 (=LoopInput)
Extract time series from SMS result files
Extracts time series from SMS result files and converts them into Sydro Binary format.
- Job Identifier: SMS_ZRE
- Runmode: 0 (=LoopInput)
Impus calculation
Calculates impuls (flow depth with flow velocity) using ASC raster files.
- Job Identifier: SMS_IMPULS
- Runmode: 0 (=LoopInput)
Time series for SMS
(I simply forgot what it is, rarely used …)
- Job Identifier: SMS_ZREREAD
- Runmode: 0 (=LoopInput)
Hydrological Jobs
Identifies the interface between Epilimnion and Hypolimnion according to given parameters.
- Job Identifier: HYO_HYPOLIMGRZ
- Runmode: 0 (=LoopInput)
Calculates potential evaporation using different approaches (Haude, Turk, Blaney-Criddle, Penman). A set of input files in SYDRO Binary format is required to perform the calculation.
- Job Identifier: HYO_ETPCALC
- Runmode: 0 (=LoopInput)
Hydrological year book
Calculates hydrological year book like results using Sydro Binary format time series.
- Job Identifier: HYO_JAHRBUCH
- Runmode: 0 (=LoopInput)
Drought indices
Calculates a drought index using the approach of standard SPI calculation. Could be any kind of parameter. Input is a SYDRO Binary format.
- Job Identifier: DROUGHTINDEX_SPI
- Runmode: 0 (=LoopInput)
Special Jobs
Command line
Is able to take any command and translates that into a command line and runs the command.
- Job Identifier: CMD
- Runmode: 0 (=LoopInput)
GIS Jobs
Flow concentration time
Calculates the flow concentration time for each grid cell based on elevation, flow accumulation and flow direction given as ASC raster files.
- Job Identifier: GIS_FLOWTIME
- Runmode: 0 (=LoopInput)
GIS Extreme values idenfication
Extract max or min values from given set of ASC raster files.
- Job Identifier: GIS_EXTREM
- Runmode: 0 (=LoopInput)
Modified Uniform Soil Loss Equation
Calculates erosion based on the MUSLE. Requires a set of parameters.
- Job Identifier: GIS_MUSLE
- Runmode: 0 (=LoopInput)
Extracts cell values from a grid and appends time series in Sydro binary format.
- Job Identifier: GRID_TO_TIMESERIES
- Runmode: 0 (=LoopInput)
Merge Jobs
Merging Task-Server results
Merges Task-Server results as time series into one file for ease of access.
- Job Identifier: MERGE
- Runmode: 1 (=LoopTasks)