Project Manager

Version vom 30. September 2020, 13:35 Uhr von Ferrao (Diskussion | Beiträge) (Die Seite wurde neu angelegt: „*Area Variants (left) *Area Simulations (center) *Special:MyLanguage/Ber…“)

All projects, variants and simulations are managed in the system administration. In order to be able to edit them, the correct database connection must first be selected. From the Talsim-NG main window, the system administration can be accessed either via the menu bar (Talsim -> System administration) or the function bar. The latter is only possible if projects have already been created.

Datei:Benutzeroberfläche00016.png Datei:Benutzeroberfläche00018.png

If no projects are available yet, an empty system administration opens:


If projects have already been created, they are displayed in the Project manager.

The system administration consists of the elements: