Translations:Operationeller Einsatz von Talsim-NG/4/en


TALSIM-NG itself is not designed to retrieve measuring sensors. As a rule, established tools are already available for this purpose. From TALSIM-NG's point of view, the process sequence begins with the interface to a data supplier (control system, control software, etc.). The design of the interface varies from case to case and requires precise coordination. The aim is to provide the required data in a timely manner. It is irrelevant whether the data request is started by TALSIM-NG or whether data is to be accumulated and reacted to by TALSIM-NG in a time-controlled manner. In the end, current measurement data is available in a time-defined or variable rhythm. The interface is part of the preprocessing, which is operated by a separate tool in the TALSIM-NG product family, the TaskServer.