Login and Start Window


To start Talsim-NG, open the folder D:\Talsim-NG\Client\TalsimNG\TalsimNG4 and double click the application Datei:Benutzeroberfläche00001.png.

A login window, which you must use to log into the model, will then appear. Here, you will have to enter the user name, password and the client (Customer/ Client). A successful login will be indicated by a TALSIM-NG message.

Datei: Benutzeroberfläche00002.pngDatei: Benutzeroberfläche00003.png

When opening Talsim-NG for the first time, an empty TALSIM interface is displayed. In the next step, the database of the corresponding client must be connected.

Benutzeroberfläche00004 EN.png