

Depression losses (MV) are specified by the user. The default and simultaneously maximum value in the model is 4 mm. Depression losses represent an average value for an sloped surface. Since depressions are not evenly distributed and runoff already begins before all depressions are completely filled, it is assumed that

  • 1/3 of the impermeable area has a reduced depression loss of 1/3⋅MV
  • 1/3 of the impermeable area has the average depression loss of MV
  • 1/3 of the impermeable area has an increased depression loss of 5/3⋅MV

Therefore, runoff already occurs when the precipitation reduced by the evaporation rate exceeds the wetting loss and 1/3 of the depression losses (in case of dry starting conditions). The assumptions described above are shown as a schematic in the following figure.