

In a rainfall-runoff model the water balance of a hydrological catchment area is calculated. The most important output is the runoff at the outlet of the catchment area in response to the areal precipitation fallen in the catchment area. The consideration can be event-based or continuous. In Talsim-NG the precipitation-runoff model is integrated into the system element Catchment Area. Basically, all essential physical processes of water storage and movement within the catchment area can be modeled (evaporation, snow accumulation and melting, soil moisture, etc.). Different calculation approaches are implemented and allow, depending on the given problem and data situation, to choose from simple, strongly abstracted approaches (e.g. discharge coefficient method) up to complex physically based approaches (e.g. Soil Moisture Simulation. A detailed description of the calculation approaches can be found directly on the page of the system element Catchment Area.