Project Manager

Version vom 30. September 2020, 12:49 Uhr von Ferrao (Diskussion | Beiträge) (Die Seite wurde neu angelegt: „If projects have already been created, they are displayed in the Project Manager.“)

All projects, variants and simulations are managed in the system administration. In order to be able to edit them, the correct database connection must first be selected. From the Talsim-NG main window the system administration can be accessed either via the Menu Bar or via the Special:MyLanguage/Menu Bar (Talsim -> System administration) or the function bar. The latter is only possible if projects have already been created.

Datei:Benutzeroberfläche00016.png Datei:Benutzeroberfläche00018.png

If no projects are available yet, an empty system administration opens:


If projects have already been created, they are displayed in the Project Manager.

Die Systemverwaltung besteht aus den Elementen: